中文翻英文 急!!!20點

2011-06-04 8:08 am



回答 (3)

2011-06-04 8:37 am
✔ 最佳答案


改成:I have sent the details of the enrollment by express delivery; however, I just noticed that the receiver has rejected the post. I am wondering if there is something wrong? Please let me know the details A.S.A.P.(我已經經由快遞公司把有關申請入學的資料寄過去了,但是收件人卻拒絕了收件,未知是哪裡出錯了? 請儘快讓我知道有關詳情)

2011-06-04 8:39 am
Hello, I have already sent out by DHL my application data, but just DHL told me the recipient reject the goods I don't know where is wrong, why schools reject the goods but, excuse is where on tax issues or some other problem, please tell me, I will fix it as soon as possible, because now I don't know why schools reject the goods, thank you!
2011-06-04 8:17 am

I have sent my application for admission via DHL, but DHL just told me that the recipient refused to accept it.

I don't know what was wrong. Why the school refused to accept it? Is it because of tax or something else? Please keep me informed. I will solve it as soon as possible. Now, I have no idea why the school refused to accept it. Thank you

希望對你有所幫助嚕! 也祝一切順利!
參考: 自己

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