
2011-06-03 6:42 pm
請勿發佈任何色情資訊Don't any pornography information 3.請勿使用粗言穢語Don;t use Foul languag 4.本站有權刪除, 修改閣下在本討論區的帖子而不作通知 The administrators of this site reserve the right without notice to access to edit of a post, or delete any post 本討論區所有積分或金幣,為虛似積分或金幣不能兌換現金Forum All points or coin is Virtual not redeemable for cash 6. 若本站資料無法修複只會回複到最近備份檔if this forum Data have Problem can't fix,only return Last backup file 7. 不得在本討論區內惡意中傷(包括暗示,利用花名) Can't in froum to slander (hint or nickname) 8.任何人試圖、意圖利用BUG、病毒、或入侵會員頁面、更改頁面內容以達任何目的,本站有權同執法機關舉報any people can't try, intent , use BUG,viruses,hack member account,to change any datato Achieve Any Goal,this site have the right to report with law enforcement agencies 本站有權向執法機關提拱閣下IP地址作調查this site has the right to provide your IP address law enforcement agencies for investigation

回答 (1)

2011-06-03 8:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Do not post any pornographic information
Do not use foul language
3.本站有權刪除, 修改閣下在本討論區的帖子而不作通知
The administrators of this site have the right to delete, modify your posts in this forum without any notice
All points or gold coins in this forum cannot be exchanged for cash
If the data in this forum cannot be repaired,it will only return to the most recent backup file in this site
6. 不得在本討論區內惡意中傷(包括暗示,利用花名)
You can not slander in this forum(hint or nickname)
8. Any person who attempts, intent to use BUG, viruses, or invasion other membership's page, or change any data to achieve any purpose, this site have the right to report with law enforcement agencies
This site has the right to levied for your IP address from law enforcement authorities for investigation 以拼音方式閱讀
參考: myself

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