
2011-06-02 12:38 am
1. 學芭蕾舞(未考grade)可否中途跳級?
2. 有冇見過十幾歲去學grade 1?
3. 王仁曼芭蕾舞學校係咪進度比較慢?

問咗好多間都話我冇基礎要grade 1開始 "未考grade"可以中途跳級?




13 years old

回答 (5)

2011-06-07 5:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
可以,我由grade 4-->5(呢兩個我都冇考grade)-->7-->8
我未見過D人要由grade 1開始,我自己都係好遲先學既都grade 4

2011-06-08 00:53:52 補充:
我唔同意樓上所講vocational exam唔可以skip,只要年年考distinction既話就可以早一年考上一個grade.同埋foundation grades既可以skip唔考的.
考graded exam肥佬係好難既事,你入去跳岩晒實pass你
有冇聽過patricia zhou?佢13歲先開始學芭蕾舞,結果係prix de lausanne攞獎仲比royal ballet收左! 佢今年先17歲炸!所以年齡唔係問題,只要你有條件,mainly有恆心就咩都難你唔到!
參考: 我
2011-06-06 12:28 am
1. Actually, it depends on how you dance la....some people who have talent may skip grade. Normally, in grade exam, you can skip grade. But in the Vocatonal exam(for profressionals), can't skip...(I think you will have the grade exam first)so...don't worry^^

2. If you are 10+, I sugess you ask for more ballet school first. Normally, a 10+ studernt can have Grade 3-4. Coz grade1-2 is only about knowing your body.....and I think it won't be fun to have lesson with the small kids, right?XD

3. As 王仁曼芭蕾舞學校 is a well-known ballet school in HK, they have higher expectaion on students. As I know, not all of their student can have the exam every year. Only those who the teacher think is ready to take the exam can apply. By the way, I think that you as a beginner, may start to have lessons in some "normal" ballet school first. The teacher of 王仁曼芭蕾舞學校 most likely focus on the top students. You may not learn so much there.

You can try to call this ballet school: 藝萃教室 (in Ngau Tau Kok)
Tel: 2793 0004

I had ballet lesson there when I was12 (as a beginner) The teachers there are profressional dancers and they will normally let you try grade3-4 first and give you a "free taste class"(cause I had Grade 4 at the beginning)They will depend on your skills and let you skip grades.( I did skip grades too)

I tink you as a 10+ girl don't need to think about adult class first.=p As the student in adult class may be far "older" than you. There for, I suggess you to ask for the ballet school above and let see if they can let you skip grade. Isn't that better?

Hope I can help you.^^ Ask me if you have any question.~~
2011-06-03 7:50 pm
你係十幾歲? 11,12 同17,18又唔同架啦喎~
成人一般都唔會考grade 1,
不過都有見過d學生因為想拎full cert, 所以先會由grade 1開始考
一般黎講, 如果你有少少舞蹈基礎, 都會俾你從grade 4or5 開始
如果你係由零開始, 有可能會要你從grade 3開始
要視乎你ge個人能力, 好ge學校/老師都會俾你試堂, 睇下你情況再話你知入咩grade!
2011-06-02 6:04 am
2.無咩人會咁,usually都會比你學grade 5,因為年齡問題,況且大個dge適應能力和記性都比一般小朋友高!
hope i can help u la!
參考: me
2011-06-02 5:18 am
唔好去grade 1~
try 下grade2~3
慢慢升grade!~ XD

2:遲學ge人其實好多, 只係你見唔到~
我識有人2-30yrs old先開始, 佢仲一開始就走去跳major專業試 tim~

**所以我好唔like王仁曼, hurt D 小朋友**
參考: me experience!~

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