Win7 自動息機重啟

2011-06-01 5:52 pm

BCCode: d1
BCP1: 51187A0B
BCP2: 00000002
BCP3: 00000001
BCP4: 901AAB2B
OS Version: 6_1_7601
Service Pack: 1_0
Product: 256_1協助說明問題的檔案:

回答 (3)

2011-06-03 10:39 pm
同埋要掃毒,睇下有無病毒,清除埋d病毒,消除cookie,cache,temp file.
2011-06-02 6:19 am
BCCode:d1 means your Win7 system is crashing with bug check code D1

bug check code D1 usually refers to system crash due to software problems, more then likely it's due to new software driver you've installed that's causing problem.

Try to scan thru your Win7 System event log and find out when is the earliest time this bug check code D1 started and try to recall what new software or device driver you have installed on you system and try to uninstall it.

Otherwise, you'll need to provide someone from Microsoft tech support with your two files in order to pin point he root cause of your problem.

Or you can post the content of the WER-41309-0.sysdata.xml file here as it'll provide more information to us.

There is just no other way to get around this problem, unless you try to reload your Win7 OS clean again. So it all depends on how much time and effort you would like to spend on troubleshoot this problem.
參考: me
2011-06-01 6:13 pm
應該是電腦零件鬆脫, 或是電腦電線插掣鬆脫, 或是電腦開關掣有問題 (電源接觸不好), 或是電腦零件例如記憶卡, 硬碟等壞了。 請向買那部電腦的 公司借WINDOWS XP, WINDOWS VISTA, WINDOWS 7 等, 程式碟重新安裝去部電腦內, 試試可不可以入到WINDOWS 畫面。
病毒與安全性解決方案中心 電腦製造商如果當您購買電腦時,電腦上已安裝有 Windows,您的電腦製造商便會提供對於 Windows 的支援。 找到您的電腦製造商的支援網站。
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