十萬火急. 幫我將以下內容改做英文; THANKS

2011-06-01 6:56 am
在這個文明的社會,每個每戶都有一部或以上的電腦,電腦變成人類生活上不可決小的東西,隨著電腦的進步,人類就更加依賴電腦,電腦的價錢也變得十分便宜. 電腦為我們帶來方便,但同時也帶來很多懷處. 青年沉迷網上遊戲, ,活在虛幻與現實之間,時空交錯,結果無法抽身,不但影響學業,而且對健康也有很大的影響.. 過份沉迷打機, 會消耗其時間. 影響社交生活,電玩己滿足了人的娛樂需,由於人唔再需要透過社交獲得滿足,會令家人朋友關係疏離. 如果遊戲中有大量色情暴力渲染,在潛而默化之下,會影響青少年的言行; 一些遊戲什至會美化黑社會同犯罪活動,對心智未成熟的人構成一定負面影響; 雖然過份沉迷打機有很多懷處,但當中也有不少好處的, 增加思考, 因為一些遊戲是益智的, 如下棋或創業經營式的遊戲,可以讓你試下怎樣做生意賺錢. 訓練手眼協調, 玩者要反應快先可以贏,訓練令你反應敏捷; 娛樂性豐富, 21世紀多一種娛樂消遣; 電玩都屬於藝術文化一種,其創意及富心思的設計同劇情,豐富了現代人的文藝生活;為這新興行業創造就業機會; 打機有好有唔好, 我自己本身都喜歡打機, 但不沉迷.,我們要分配好時間,學習時學習,遊戲時遊戲.

回答 (2)

2011-06-02 6:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
In this civilized society, everyone may has one or more than one computers. It become indispensable things for human. The computers are improving, human is more and more rely on them. The price of the computers also becomes very cheap. The computers give us convenient but they bring many disadvantages. Teenagers indulge in the computer games. They live between cyber world and virtual world. They cannot have time to do another things that may affect their studies and health. If they play computer games excessively and indulgently, they will waste their time and affect their social intercourse. Computer games content human and entertaining needs. Because they don't need to through social intercourse to get satisfaction. Therefore, the relationship of the parents and friends will get more and more aloof. If the computer games contain many pornographic things, these will affect their behavior. Some games will even make the criminal underworld and crime become a good things that make some children cause negative influence. Although playing the computer games exist many disadvantages, it can raise to think. Because some games are good for us such as play chess, jigsaw puzzle and start an enterprise to operate etc. That can give to try how to do business to get more money. In addition, it can practice the harmony of our eyes and hands. The response of the player is faster and he can win the games. It can practice our response become more nimble and has a entertainment in it. In the 21 century, there becomes one more entertainment to amuse. Computer games also are a artistic culture. They have creative and give the time of designers to design them. It makes people have a literature and art life. It also gives many jobs in this topic.Playing computer games has benefits and disadvantages. I also like to play computer games but I don't indulge in it. We should allot our time and balance the time of playing computer games and studies.
2013-09-07 11:57 am


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