
2011-06-01 5:42 am
我係今年高考生,2AL+2AS,純文科,應該可以all pass,但唔會好得去邊,即係無C或以上
3)同埋讀完foundation升質素ok o既大學機率高唔高?


回答 (1)

2011-06-04 8:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) nursing is the only choice la....
1st path: your AL result is good, direct entry
2nd path: your AL result is not good, but acceptable, some foundation school provide half year course. Then enter uni
3rd: AL result is reli bad, whole year foundation.

2) foundation school usually start their semester on Sept/Oct or March/April
u need to know which school u enter

3) if u are not citizen, then u can easily (i mean reli easy) enter uni. But if u are citizen, u need to register UAC (similar to JUPAS in HK) and compete with local students.

4) according to what i heard from my friend, it's quite easy to stay in australia, bcz nursing is reli a demanding job. u can easily get PR. but i dunno wt the situation will change when u graduate. because, the australia government is limiting the PR application.

5) um.... as nursing also have some biology or anatomy, so i think u better hv some preparation
commerce degree is not quite difficult. most of the first year courses even teach CE level stuff. u are not the only one who hv zero maths knowledge, most of them still finish their commerce degree.
Maybe the first year will be a little bit harsh for u, but u will be fine in second year.

PS IELTS is not compulsory.
if u enter foundation, IELTS is even useless.
generally, uni entry requirement for IELTS is overall 6.5, small band 6.0

2011-06-04 01:00:40 補充:
u can try some "fine art" degree, if u like drawing /design stuff....or even architecture
psychology...although i think it's quite harsh, not difficult to enter, but difficult to graduate
australia has a special degree called aviation (management).....u can hv some research abt this

2011-06-04 01:02:11 補充:
btw, look at this before deciding

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