MATH LOCUS! 幫下手plz!!!

2011-06-01 2:44 am
Find the equation of the locus of a point P which is equidistant from the lines L1: 3x-4y+2=0 and L2: 12x+5y-3=0

回答 (2)

2011-06-01 2:54 am
x= 2/63

An equation is a mathematical statement that asserts the equality of two expressions. One use of equations is in mathematical identities, assertions that are true independent of the values of any variables contained within them. For example, for any given value of x it is true that
) for an identity.Letters from the beginning of the alphabet like a, b, c... often denote constants in the context of the discussion at hand, while letters from the end of the alphabet, like ...x, y, z, are usually reserved for the variables, a convention initiated by Descartes.PropertiesIf an equation in algebra is known to be true, the following operations may be used to produce another true equation:Any real number can be added to both sides.Any real number can be subtracted from both sides.Any real number can be multiplied to both sides.Any nonzero real number can divide both sides.Some functions can be applied to both sides. Caution must be exercised to ensure that the operation does not cause missing or extraneous solutions. For example, the equation y*x=x has 2 solutions: y=1 and y=0.


THANKS!!! Hope you LIKE it!

2011-06-02 18:47:17 補充:

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