
2011-05-31 8:47 pm
睇下有無錯Originallymy family a very good relationship but my family are very unfortunate, Unfortunately things often happen in my family. Myfather are swordsman too but he died, he offend the king because he do notlisten the king orders so the king killed my father alos he allways be my hero.I’m one of the army generals. Many generals, I was the youngest. King isreuse me, because I help him overcome the manywars. My mother is work on church, she like help the poor,she’s very nice but she fate isn good, because she was burnt to death in a fire . My brother is best Generalbut once he in the other kingdoms killed civilians, so he needimprisoned 60 years, I don’t wantmy brother dead in prison, so I think a lot of way but no method is feasible, there only one wayto help my brother, is go to prison raids. I know that this method is so difficultbut he is my best brother,I don’t want him die in prison so I will doanything to save him but onlymyself, I can’t do anything so I want an army to help me complete my task, FortunatelyI found other kingdoms to attack my kingdom and kill my brother, so I preparedfor an undercover assassin to assassinate the king and my brother in thekingdoms. Although I saved him, butbecause there are other countriesattack us so now a lot of Assassin do not listen to my order sothey killed my brother and all people. After the war they formed the Fraternityto overthrow a tyrant to the rule of force. Although they killed and succeededin overthrowing the other kingdoms, but they can not overthrow my kingdom,because they are trained by me, so I know their actions.

回答 (1)

2011-06-01 12:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
Originally, my family has a very good relationship but my family is very unfortunate. Unfortunate things often happen in my family. My father is a swordsman too but he died, he offends the king because he does not listen to the king orders so the king killed my father. Still he always is my hero. I’m one of the army generals. Among many generals, I am the youngest. The King [] reuses me, because I help him win [] many wars. My mother [] works at church, she likes to help the poor, she’s very nice but her fate isn’t good, []she was burnt to death by the fire . My brother is the best general, but once he killed civilians in another kingdom, so he was imprisoned for 60 years. I don’t want my brother to die in prison, so I think for a lot of way but no method is feasible. There is only one way to help my brother, it is [] to have a prison raid. I know that this method is so difficult but he is my best brother, I don’t want him to die in prison so I will do anything to save him, but I can't do anything by myself only. So I want an army to help me to complete my task. Fortunately I found out that another kingdom is going to attack my kingdom and to kill my brother, so I prepared for an undercover assassin to assassinate the king and rescue my brother in this kingdoms. Although I saved him, but because there are other countries attack us. By now a lot of assassins do not listen to my order and they killed my brother and a lot of people. After the war, they formed the Fraternity to overthrow a tyrant [to the rule of force]. Although they killed the king(s) and succeeded in overthrowing the other kingdom(s), but they cannot overthrow my kingdom[] because they are trained by me and I know their actions.

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