14 year old watch porn?!?

2011-05-31 3:26 am
im 14 and i watched porn since i was 13. now i only look at pictures cause im scared that porn sites will give me a virus. i look at the pictures every day. i think i might be addicted to it. i do sometimes put my homework aside to look at some pictures and then go masturbate in the shower. i do however, get pretty good grade. can 14 year olds be addicted? im always, constantly horny. i know that the horomones make me horny. can i be addicted to porn? is it an addiction or just the horomones. After i masturbate, i dont look at it for the rest of the day.am i addicted to it???
im not constantly horny, i just get horny easily and i want to look at pictures afterwards.
i dont get horny after i masturbate for the rest of the day


回答 (7)

2011-05-31 3:30 am
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Nah, it's cool. You'll get bored enventually
2011-05-31 3:28 am
I'm not a guy, but it sounds normal to me for that age.

In some cultures, people marry at your age.

Normal to be turned on super easily as a teen.
2016-05-17 6:17 am
參考: Girl Alone Live Webcam : http://CamGz.com/?XXKO
2011-06-01 8:36 pm
watching porn is now normal, but normal does not men healthy. Many men who quit find that they also need less masturbation. Why? because Internet porn use can override natural mechanisms the same way junk food can override feelings of fullness. Our brains are the same as our hunter gatherer ancestors. Have you ever seen a fat hunter-gatherer? No, but 79% of American adults are overweight, because food has changed. Do you think hunter gatherer teens sat around jerking off all the time? No, but you now have over stimulation everywhere - especially porn.

Today's internet porn is nothing at all like our ancestors ever encountered, with the constant novelty and genres of extreme porn. Unlike yesterdays Playboy, Internet porn overstimulates the brain regions responsible for addiction.

Stopping completely, though hard, is the only way to allow your brain to return to normal. If you continue to masturbate, focus on sensations - do not fantasize about porn. Be aware that the more you masturbate, the stronger your urges will be to escalate your masturbation, and relapse into porn. So find a balance approach.

Quitting is tough, and you will have cravings, along with good days and bad days. You will need to replace porn with other activities, and with as much social interaction as possible. This is so important. Human contact is the key.

Using a porn-blocker will help, if you are truly serious.
A lot of people use K-9: http://www1.k9webprotection.com/

Also, find some forums where you can share your story and get advice.

Here's an excellent presentation, by a science teacher, on the effects of pornography on the brain. It is non-religious, non-judgmental, and science based. You will find lots of recovery tips, Q & A's, and a link to a forum. This is a totally non-commercial site.

Your Brain on Porn - Porn Addiction: 6-Part Video Series

Here’s a few articles-

Intoxicating Behaviors: 300 Vaginas = A Lot of Dopamine

What Porn Users Taught Me

This is an excerpt from the popular book - “The Brain That Changes Itself” - that explains Internet Porn can rewire the brain:

Knowledge is power,
good luck
2011-05-31 3:30 am
You're 14, it's perfectly normal. What 14 year old male isn't horny? And how many of them wouldn't look at porn? I did at 14. Hell I would have when I was 7, if I had internet back then.
2011-05-31 3:30 am
Part of your hormones are making you horny, but part of you is being horny. For example, a child that watches porn can be as horny as you are. An adult, however, is even hornier.

You have to stop watching it -- it will become an addiction ..FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.
2011-05-31 3:27 am
You are too young to watch porn but you cannot get a disease from watching a video

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