Survey: Would you trust somebody.......who always says "trust me"?

2011-05-30 6:38 pm

回答 (105)

2011-05-31 3:51 pm
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No, trust is something i don't do very easily.
2011-06-03 1:27 am
I don't think i could trust someone that have to remind me all the time that i can trust him. I think trust is something that u don't have to ask for
2011-06-02 4:52 pm
If you have barely gotten to know the person well and he/she always say that, watch their actions for a while and see if they're true to their words. Trust is like respect, it is earned. Give them time and a chance to prove themselves. In many relationships and friendships, trust can be an issue and it can be broken. But if they've been doing the best they can, give them a chance. If they've broken it a thousand times, it's can be hard to build that trust again. Hope it helps! :)
2011-05-31 6:38 am
No, i believe trust is earned over a period of time .. the only one i always trusted was my mom, now i have a few friends i trust, and they trust me also after we got to know each other
2011-05-31 12:06 am
Hmm it depends, but the person whom you can trust is usually the person who doesn't say things like this because trust is not to be enforced upon. A person who is trustworthy would have already earned the trust and need not ask for it.
2011-06-07 9:23 am
Hey its Not like that if anyone Always says that "Trust Me" cant b always true.

If you know the person very well and you know whether he has promised you before to trust him and he has fulfilled the trust.than you have some chances to beleive on also have to have faith on him.

i say from 100% there is only 40% we can trust anyone
2011-06-07 4:39 am
No, I actually tend to believe them less. I have noticed that I even say that at times. Sometimes I even say "Honestly..."

So I am trying to quit using those words when I am speaking. I hadn't noticed how widespread this "Trust me" issue has become.

Do we all lie so much that when we say the truth we have to validate it with the "Trust me" issue?

I think it is one of those habits that we add to our speaking such as "you know." Sometimes people will say "you know" or "you know what I mean?" I have also tried to remove that from my speaking habits and still find myself saying it. Another one is "Can I say something?" Have we all become such poor listeners in this day and age? It's almost as frustrating as when someone asks me "Guess what?" I guess I could begin guessing but the odds of me guessing correctly are about as good as winning the lottery!

So no, you know, honestly, you can trust me, and can I say something, and guess what?

Never mind.
參考: Trust me, you don't want to know.
2011-06-06 4:08 pm
Never trust anyone who says trust me
2011-06-06 9:54 am
No. If I knew them there's no need to say trust me, and I wouldn't trust a stranger if he said that to me.
2011-06-04 9:00 am
Before i used to trust but i think when that same person breaks the trust it will be very difficult..
2011-06-03 4:56 pm
Nope. Never trust anyone who says trust me.

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