IS workbook answer

2011-05-29 11:00 pm
Plx help me to find out the answer .Thz! :) (Understanding Integrated Science Assignments 1B) WB pg.63

1(a.)When the rubber is pressed,____________between the mirror and rubber stucker are pushed out. The air pressure outside is ________________________.

(b)The survace of the sand paper is __________,____________ are still trapped between the rubber sucker and the sand paper when the rubber sucker is pressed. Therefore______________________________________________________________.

Thz so much !

回答 (2)

2011-05-31 2:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
air particles
greater than that inside and pushes the rubber sucker to the mirror firmly

air particles
the rubber sucker cannot stick to the sand papper
參考: 自己o既答案
2011-05-31 2:48 am
Thz! :> a lot!

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