Where do all the ants go?

2011-05-28 6:23 pm
Example:If i was moving a bag of gardening rubbish from a gardening job back to my house miles away,what happens to all the ants that fall out?
Do they go and build a new nest or join another ant colony.

How many ants are needed to build a new colony?


So they cant start a new colony without a queen and vice versa. And the worker ants cant join a new colony,they are seen as aliens. So what do they do,they cant make it back to there original colony but will they try and seek the original nest out anyway?


P.s im not talking about when a complete nest is moved with queen and eggs. just a few ants in a bag.

回答 (3)

2011-05-28 6:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The workers will grab the eggs and find someplace new to live. The workers will feed the egg in a manner that makes the egg hatch into a new queen, it will take two weeks for the new queen to emerge. The new queen will lay between 800 to 1500 eggs per day and start a new ant hill. The average ant hill will have 80,000 ants. The world record for an ant hill was estimated at 200,000 ants.
2011-05-28 6:25 pm
They will eshabish a new home/colony.
2011-05-28 6:35 pm
They will all die. If they attempt to join another colony they will be killed by the 'alien' ants. Even if a fertile queen dropped out she would be unable to establish another colony without the aid of attendant workers.

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