有幾個英文字唔係幾識解 [20分]

2011-05-28 7:22 pm
Sprawled over a wooded hillside formerly occupied by a British military barracks, Hong Kong Park triumphantly testifies to the skill of setting jewels of greenery into mosaics of concrete. Its terraced gardens, lakes, waterfalls, walk-through conservatory and spectacular aviary harness the traditional spirit of the formal Chinese garden to a uniquely Hong Kong vision.

1. 我想問 Sprawled over 係嚟度係點解? 我字典查到伸開,但好似唔係幾岩咁.同埋點解用over?

2. terraced gardens 係點解?

3. walk-through 意思係咩? 我查字典查到草率排練,但唔多對路.

4. 最後" the skill of setting jewels of greenery",嚟句part 係點解?

唔好意思,問題較多,但希望各位可以解答我! Thanks!!

回答 (2)

2011-05-28 11:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 我想問 Sprawled over 係嚟度係點解? 我字典查到伸開,但好似唔係幾岩咁.同埋點解用over?
sprawl over 係一個 短語動詞 (Verb + preposition) sprawled over = spread over 連綿 擴張 地The sprawled over city suburbs = 連綿不絕的城市郊區 2. terraced gardens 係點解?
一曾曾啲花園 = layered gardens on a slope or on a hillside


3. walk-through 意思係咩? 我查字典查到草率排練,但唔多對路. Walk-through = a person can walk through it. It has a separate entrance and exit. Some conservatories cannot be walked through because it has only 1 door. If you go in and come out the same door, that is not a walk-through conservatory.

4. 最後" the skill of setting jewels of greenery",嚟句part 係點解? 'Setting jewels' is a metaphor 比喻 / 隐喻 describing a ‘landscaped greenery’ 綠化園景 It refers to the skills of the landscape gardener who designed the attractive green scenery amongst the concrete.
2011-05-28 7:25 pm
Where does your passage come from?

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