
2011-05-28 5:59 pm
本部到分行巡查標準文件時,並發現很多前線同事錯漏地填寫表格一及表格二,現請 貴部提供相關之培訓課程,以加強填寫標準文件的準確性。

In formal letter, plz

回答 (2)

2011-05-28 11:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Date: xxxx


Having checked the standard documents at your branch, we notice that your frontline staff has made lots of mistakes in filling form I and form II.

Please kindly be reminded to train your staff in this aspect in order to ensure that all doucments (Forms) are filled in properly and accurately in the futrue.

Thanks for your kind attention to this matter.

Yours sincerely,

2011-05-28 6:24 pm
When I going to the branch inspection for standard file, and found many mistakes in front-line colleagues between they try to complete the form 1and the form 2. Now you are requested to provide relevant training courses for them to enhance the use of standard accuracy

2011-05-30 16:30:19 補充:
Dear Sir/Madam:
When I going to the branch inspection for standard file, and found many mistakes .................
Thank you of your co-operation !

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