MS Outlook???

2011-05-28 5:51 pm
如何在MS Office Outlook 2007收件匣之前收過的所有舊電郵 搬去電腦上的桌面或其他的資料夾內??? 可以同時亦放在YAHOO電郵內的資料夾內嗎?

回答 (1)

2011-06-01 9:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Do you mean, you want to make a backup of current email? If this is what you want, you can use either method below because Outlook 2007 is using a pst file to store your email if you are using Outlook at home.

Method 1

Find out your pst file from your computer, usually, it would call outlook.pst. This file contains everything of your email and contacts.

In Windows 7, you can find the pst file under "C:\Users\<user name>AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook" folder

In Windows XP, find it under C: \Documents and Settings\ user \Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook

Method 2

Using the Export function in Outlook, then highlight the folder you want to export, choose the file format you want to save, you can save it as another PST file, etc.

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