My primary school life

2011-05-28 1:23 am
Please write in 200or more words
1.How long have you studied in your school?
2.What have you learned/done over the years?
3.What interesting things happened in the past years?
4.Wo do you like best?
5.Will you miss the school?What will you do?
Thanks for you help!

回答 (1)

2011-06-06 11:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I have studied in my school for 11 years. I have learned a lot of things over the years. For example, I have learned Chinese, English, Maths, Geography, History, Science, etc. And I have also learned how to be a good person who is conscientious and courteous. Last year, a happy thing happened --- all of my classmates got more than 90 marks in the English exam, so we celebrated in a restaurant together. I like Miss Wong, who teaches us English, the most because she teaches us with heart and soul, she helps those students who are bad at Englsih, whenever they have any problems, she explains to them detailedly. I will always miss the school after I leave. I will come there and visit all of the teachers that have ever taught me regularly, to express appreciation to them.

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