
2011-05-27 2:38 am

回答 (2)

2011-05-27 3:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
Responsible for collecting silver-Small private shops, shop alone-Training on my own, responsible personality-Systematic recording style, sold quantities with income-Toys for children aged 0-15-According to guest requirements, introduced to meet the requirements of toys-Familiar with the product characteristics, set-up-Features-Retail operations-I've done x xx years of salesI XX-school learning XX-All about the scope of the service sector will be involved,
參考: me
2011-05-27 2:56 am
Responsible for the cash register
- small private shops, shop alone to see
- To develop my independent and responsible character
- structured record styles, sold the same amount of revenue
-0-15 year-old children's toys
- request of the guests, introduced the toys to meet the requirements
- Knowledge of product features, positioning
- Features
- Retail operations
- I was x years of sales done xx
- I was to school xx xx
- All about the range of service sectors are covered聆聽以拼音方式閱讀 新! 按一下上方的文字,即可檢視其他翻譯。 關閉字典

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