我想打一data, say date
就會list out 所有, 有關既data field
e.g. member tbl
Name (DOB) (SEX) (ID)(JointDate)
Jose (6/10/1988) (m) (m3200) (05/05/2010)
Kelly 10/02/1990 f f1980 06/10/2010
Mose 11/23/1978 m m1020 05/05/2010
我input DOB, 會show 晒 member 既所有data
(會show, Jose, Mose兩位member 既所有data)
識寫MS SQL, 但以前都係connect to MS database
excel可唔可以做到好似database咁result 個tbl list出黎?
如果可以, 點SET?
Thanks for help me to typing the code out :D but, i'm wondering how do u create a button in excel ?? i couldn't find a button option in there actually i'm not familiar with excel..can u tell me step by step, how do i create a button in excel, i dun even know where i should put the code in:(
嗯,,,, 其實3個option都唔太似, 我所想, 但第3個close to what i think 但, 唔需要用<工作表2> 用一個button 就可以了 好似database咁, create a button and it will promtp a digalog box, and i input a data, it returns a list :D
哦, 同一張sheet都OK, 因我都係會printout出黎就冇用, 可以undo or 唔save :D sorry, 因差唔多要開工, 所以打英文會快D :( (公司個keyboard好硬, 打中文係咁打錯字) 我用緊好似係xp version, 仲之唔係2003啦:D 我係唔識點樣係excel度加Button, 我搵到有加oject既選項 因我見你code 係 click cmd_button先開始個event 但可以加係邊度? 係咪VBA個度? 我真係唔多熟excel, 我同佢唔係朋友lol
wa!! yahoo e-mail度見到你回, 但只係見到第2點........ 第1點睇唔到, 可以我走漏眼=,=" 明天我返好試下:D 謝謝你:D