(20分)製衣 中文翻譯英文, 千其唔好用翻譯機!

2011-05-26 5:43 am
根據你們所提供的fabric成份慨資料,之前我們亦曾經在測試當中,都能夠掌握到滿意的結果。 可是,以我們的經驗來看,正常地cotton的特點,在完成加熱過程都會有適量之shrinkage (但並不嚴重的!) 及 10小時後也會遇上relax。

以下是我們給你的解決方法 :

1. 嘗試調升至1200度,加強fabric外形的固定。
2. 加熟之前,噴射水點在物料表面上,加强質料的反應。
3. 加熟之後,若能取得滿意的結果,務必進行wash test,看看是否有shrinkage。

但最終的結果都是失敗的話,如果需要,我們非常樂意幫忙去研究解決方法。同時,見意你聯絡與supplier,在這個的問題上,是否有其他finihing去hold the shape及減少shrinkage。

回答 (3)

2011-05-26 8:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
Translation: According to your suggested fabric composition data, which coincidentally had already undergone testing, we think it is possible to achieve a satisfactory outcome. However, in our experience, the characteristic of normal cotton undergoing heat treatment will inevitably result in a certain amount of shrinkage (but not too serious), and 10 hours afterwards will encounter a relax 1.

We can suggest the following procedures:

1. To attempt to raise to 1200 degrees to reinforce the shape of the fabric
2. Prior to heat treatment 2, to spray water vapor 3 on the material surface, to assist material response.
3. After heat treatment, and if the results are satisfactory, to perform a wash test to see if there is shrinkage.

But should the end result be unsuccessful, we would still be happy to help with further experimentation if necessary. In the mean time, we suggest that you contact the supplier with a view to find out if there are other finishings to hold the shape and reduce shrinkage. NOTE: 1Relax or Relapse ?Relax = 放鬆Relapse = 復舊 2加熟 ??? It is a technical jargon ( 行話 / 技術術語)I have no idea if my translation ‘Heat treatment’ is correct 3Vapor - USA spellingVapour - British spelling
2016-08-19 2:50 am
2015-11-27 7:29 am

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