能教我reported speech嗎?

2011-05-26 1:45 am
如題(請高手教我 = =)

回答 (1)

2011-05-26 4:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
哈!這麼巧我學校都教緊reportedspeech!:Dreported speech..要轉三樣野1. tense (present to past)2. pronouns(he,she,it…) 3. adverbs of time and place(today,next week), and the pronouns (this,that)TENSE
simple present > simple past
present continuous > past continuous
simple past > past perfect
present perfect > past perfect
past perfect > past perfect
present prefect continuous > past perfect continuous
past continuous > past perfect continuous
future(will) > future (would)
future continuous(will be verb+ing) > future continuous (would be verb+ing)

你要先了解個句講咩, 就會自然識架啦

here > there
this > that
these > those
now > then
today > that day
tonight > that night
tomorrow > the next/following day
yesterday > the day before/ the previous day
the day before yesterday > two days before
ago(two days ago, etc.) > before (two days before, etc.)
last Monday > the previous Monday
next week > the following week

eg. "Don't sit on the grass," he told the children.
reported speech: He told the children NOT TO sit on the grass
don't 要轉做not to.
"Please wake me up at six, Mum," Ann said
reported speech: Ann asked her mother TO wake her up at six.
要做 - use to

questions (幾難)
如果條問題係wh- 個d字為開頭, 就要保留個wh- 字: (also need to change tense)eg 1) "Where do you come from?" Tom asked me.
Tom asked me WHERE I came from.

eg 2)"Who are you?" Amy asked me.
Amy asked me who I was.
要記住, wh- 個字之後要係人名/pronoun.要轉order. Yes/No questions
yes/no questions: use IF / WHETHER. (之後要係人名/pronoun and change tense)
eg 1)"Are you ill?" she asked me.
She asked me IF/WHETHER I was ill.

eg 2)"Do you like sports?" John said to Ann.
John asked Ann IF/WHETHER she liked sports.

我打左勁耐! hope you understand more about reported speech:)

參考: myself

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