有關 whom 用法一問

2011-05-25 12:27 pm
剛剛看到一位人在網誌打這句句子 :
I'd like to make friends with whom have the same hobby as me.

1. I'd like to make friends with anyone who has the same hobby as me.
2. I'd like to make friends with whoever who has the same hobby as me.

1,2 都 ok?

回答 (4)

2011-05-25 8:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
原句 I'd like to make friends with whom have the same hobby as me. 是錯了.

1. I'd like to make friends with anyone who has the same hobby as me.

2. I'd like to make friends with whoever who has the same hobby as me.
因為whoever = "the person who"
whoever says that = the person who says that

2011-05-31 7:26 pm
who字作為 Relative Pronoun(關係代名詞)時有三種形式(forms)
1)who--Nominative(主位):He is the man who works hard.
2)whom--Accusative(受位):He is the boy whom (we) all praise.
3)whose--Genitive(物主位):He is the boy whose homework is done well.
2011-05-26 7:49 am
The first sentence is not correct because 'whom' is used for passive action to hte subject only.For the second question, I think sentence 1 is suitable and I am not sure if sentence 2 is acceptable. In my opinion, I won't risk in this way.
2011-05-25 11:13 pm
like to make friends with whom have the same hobby as me.= wrong

Whom is the objective case so it is wront to say with whom have the same......... See the last example with whom...

1. I'd like to make friends with anyone, who have the same hobby as me. + OK
2. I'd like to make friends with whoever has the same hobby as me.

I'd like to make friends, with whom we have met at the library..

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