請翻譯以下文章成英語 (URGENT!!!)

2011-05-25 7:01 am
請翻譯以下文章成英語 :

本人已持有 "電工A牌証書" 及 "機械工程基本技術課程證書",

回答 (3)

2011-05-26 7:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案

"電工A牌証書", "機械工程基本技術課程證書" 和 "機械工程技術員預修證書"
是專有名詞, 我沒有空去找它們的英文名. 你自己想想辦法吧.

嘗試翻譯 :
"電工A牌証書" - "Electrical Engineering License A"
"機械工程基本技術課程證書" - "Certificate for Basic Techniques of Mechanical Engineering"
"機械工程技術員預修證書" - "Preparation Certificate for Mechanical Engineering Technician"

其餘的直接翻譯為 :
I have already possessed "電工A牌証書" and "機械工程基本技術課程證書". Also, I have taken a course of "機械工程技術員預修證書".

I am very interested in mechanical and electrical engineering. Therefore, I want very much to further my study in this aspect. Because I have only finished Form 3 and my present job required me, I hope that I could have an opportunity for admission.

2011-05-26 15:28:05 補充:
Sorry. 靖留意以下更正 :-

"Preparation" 改為 "Preparatory" :
"機械工程技術員預修證書" - "Preparatory Certificate for Mechanical Engineering Technician"
2011-05-26 8:36 am
本人已持有 "電工A牌証書" 及 "機械工程基本技術課程證書",
所以很想你們給本人一個入學機會。 I already hold "Electrical Engineering A License Certificate " and " Basic Mechanical Engineering Course Certificate ", and have attended a "Pre-Mechanical Engineering Technician Certificate. "I am very interested in mechanical and electrical engineering, and would like to advance further.But I only completed Form 3 because of work requirements, so I would be grateful if you would kindly grant me admission to further my studies.
2011-05-25 7:18 am
I already have, "electric A license certificate " and "Certificate Course in Basic Mechanical Engineering"
I also attended a "Pre-Mechanical Engineering Technician Certificate. "
I am very interested in mechanical and electrical and would like to study it further.
But I graduated in Form Three, because of the current work requirements, I want you to give me a chance of admission.

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