
2011-05-25 4:17 am
幫我檢查下文法有冇錯誤._.!! 感謝=)

The main reason of being teacher is I like children. I love to get along with children and communicate with them. Their world is sample. Getting along with children can let me forget the pressure of my life. I got some commended award of Western Dance, Chinese Dance and Modern Dance when I am studying in Primary or Secondary School. I had duly completed the Drawing Course at School of Creativity on 2005. Also, I have a certificate of Grade 7 Piano.

回答 (2)

2011-05-25 6:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
The main reason of being a teacher is because i like children.I love to get along with them and talk to them. their world is simple. Getting along with children can free me from the stress of my life. When i was studying in Primary and Secondary School,I had achived some commending awards on Western Dance, Chinese Dance and Modern Dance.I had finished the Drawing Course at school of Creativity on 2005.Also,I have a certification of grade 7 of Piano
2011-05-26 4:20 am
The main reason of being teacher is because I like children. I like to get along with children and communicate with them. Their world is simple. Getting along with children can make me forget all the worries. I got some recommended award of Western Dance, Chinese Dance and Modern Dance when I was studying in Primary and Secondary School. I had duly completed the Drawing Course at School of Creativity in 2005. Also, I have a certificate of Grade 7 Piano.

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