
2011-05-25 3:37 am
今日,我係屋企用緊電腦...上緊網...用完部電腦之後,,無啦啦彈左個咩vista anti-spyware 出黎,話有病毒,,,有成30個infected files- -我無理佢.直接close左佢....但係.....我上網上唔到.....話咩Dangerous喎 佢又要我買佢個anti_spyware...唔買又上5到網 唔知點搞 我山左佢又自己開番 ..頂!!!!

回答 (3)

2011-05-25 6:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
電腦製造商找到您的電腦製造商的支援網站。Acer Alienware Apple Computer ASUS Averatec Dell eMachines Equus Computer Systems Fujitsu Gateway HP IBM Lenovo Medion Micro Center Motion Computing MSI NEC Panasonic Premio Samsung SGI

Sharp Sony Sun Microsystems Systemax Tangent Toshiba Unisys Velocity Micro Verari Systems http://windows.microsoft.com/zh-HK/windows/help/install-reinstall-uninstall

安裝、重新安裝或解除安裝 Windows

http://windows.microsoft.com/zh-HK/windows/help/contact-support 線上支援
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服務電話 2388-9600 (國際撥打請加852)
週一至週五 上午09:00-下午6:00
2011-05-26 3:08 am
I have the same experience last weekend . But later I reload the windows xp . now I can surf in the internet .If you do not know what to do ,you can ask for your friend or call someone to repair your computer .
2011-05-25 3:52 am

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