
2011-05-22 6:38 pm
我想問:thou 係唔係都要+ is/am/are? +了後,後面個個係唔係要+s/es
如果係現在進行,係唔係都要+ is/am/are後面+ing

回答 (1)

2011-05-22 11:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我想問: thou 係唔係都要+ is/am/are? +了後,後面個個係唔係要 + s/es Thou as a subject pronoun is seldom used in English nowadays. Thou art >> you are (singular ‘you’ , the old plural ‘you’ was ‘Ye’ ) Thou goest >> you go / you are going Thou shalt >> you shall Thee又係點用? Thee is the object pronoun of Thou i.e. used as an object in a sentence Examples: “Here's drink. I drink to thee” (Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet Act 4, Scene 3) “Shall I compare thee ………” (Shakespeare Sonnet #18)
參考: yo

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