Why is it better for my boyfriend and I not to marry because of illness?

2011-05-21 6:52 pm
I am very ill with serious heart and lung problems. I will be facing transplant in probably less than 10 years as there is not cure or surgery to fix problems. My doctor and several members of a support group I attend say that we should not get married for financial reasons. One, my doctor says I will be more eligible for financial aid from hospitals, etc if I am not married. She says she has seen other patients unable to get on transplant list because combined income is too much for aid, yet not enough for the payment. Members of the group said that as my debts will rise my husband would become responsible for them. If I stay single and pass away I would not leave him with a pile of debts to pay and will again qualify for more help if I am not married.
what do you think? Where can I go to find out more info?

回答 (3)

2011-05-21 10:34 pm
I am not sure if you are in the US or not, but if you are - debts in your name CANNOT legally be the responsibility of your husband, except for what the two of you signed for together. To make a simple example, let's say you died and there was a $2000 debt owing to a business. The debt is in your name only. Let's say you had $1000 in the bank in an account in your name only. We'll pretend that is the only asset that you have. You had written a will leaving your assets to your husband. What would happen is that the business would receive the $1000 you had in the bank, but your husband would NOT be responsible for the remaining $1000 in debt.

Now, if you had a home in both of your names, then he may have to sell the home to pay the bills.

But I would never let that get in the way of marriage to a person you love. I wouldn't let a serious illness rob me of that kind of joy. I've had a kidney and panreas transplant myself.
2011-05-21 10:12 pm
When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these?! Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give BeeGirl lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the woman who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons! I'm gonna to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!
2011-05-21 10:27 pm
you've been given the besy advice considering your situation. you need to accept that as fact and enjoy the time you have together. not everyone receives a heads up for these things and your can go either way depending upon the outcome of your eventualsurgery. great strides can happen in this years with development of cures. there is not NEED for marriage now, and that shouldn't deter you both from believing it won't happen in the future. it certainly may. trust me being on the medical debt end for the rest of your life is an extreme hardship. i'm there and deal with it daily.
參考: life experience

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