Basic Simple Inertia...

2011-05-21 4:20 pm
請問inertia愈大...咁就難d推佢'沃',mass 愈大咁會唔會易d令object 保持係constant velocity,comparing to the one with lower inertia?

回答 (3)

2011-05-24 7:22 am

你一定會行開啦, 因為你要用好多既FORCE去改變佢既運動狀態, 就因為INERTIA既關係, 你就難D去轉佢個STATES OF MOTION啦

相反地, 一個40KG既人跑個黎
我一手都可以整停佢啦, 因為佢既INERTIA細, 容易俾NET FORCE所改變佢既STATES OF MOTION.
參考: ME~
2011-05-24 2:01 am
inertia is simply a physical property, which describe how hand to vary the speed
mass is the quantitive measurement of inertia

however larger mass would not make the object easier at constant velocity. by newton's first law, all object hv tendency to move in constant velocity. even a light object, no net force apply, still constant velocity.
actually lager mass does not mean it's hard to start moving, it only means it's hard to move faster and faster.
2011-05-21 7:13 pm
"Inertia" is a physical property of matter. It indicates the reluctance of an object to the change of motion. "Mass" is a quantitative measurement of the inertia of an object.

Hence, an object of large mass offers a great reluctance to have its state of motion to be changed. The object tends to stay at rest if it is originally at rest, or at motion in a striaght line if it is originally in motion.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 17:40:39
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