chemistry 的問題

2011-05-20 2:11 am
concentrated sulphuric acid + carbon 有沒有redox react, 如有,chemical equestion 是甚麼?
同埋 concentrated nitric acid + carbon 有沒有redox react, 如有,chemical equestion 是甚麼?

回答 (4)

2011-05-20 5:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
When heated, concentrated sulphuric acid reacts withcarbon. This is a redox reaction, in which the concentrated sulphuric acid isreduced to sulphur dioxide, while carbon is oxidized to carbon dioxide. Theequation is:
C + 2H2SO4 → 2H2O + 2SO2 + CO2

When heated, concentrated nitric acid reacts with carbon. This is also a redoxreaction, in which the concentrated nitric acid is reduced to nitrogen dioxide,while carbon is oxidized to carbon dioxide. The equation is:
C + 4HNO3 → 2H2O + 4NO2 + CO2

2011-05-19 21:30:27 補充:
The carbon used in the above equation is carbon powder (charcoal powder).
參考: sioieng, sioieng
2011-05-20 6:33 am
"graphite can make electrodes" doesn't mean that it's ALWAYS inert to EVERY chemicals.
in fact, graphite is sometimes NOT recommended being used in half-cell producing oxygen, as O2 can attack carbon to give CO2 ----> contamination.
2011-05-20 6:19 am
Even carbon is inert element. It still can be oxidized by strong oxidizing agents like conc sulphuric acid or conc nitric acid.
2011-05-20 2:31 am
Carbon 有好多種存在方式,相信你問的應該不外乎 graphite 同 diamond.

Graphite 可以用作 electrode, 所以同 conc. sulfuric acid 或者 conc. nitric acid 之間都沒有 redox reaciton.
所以 conc. sulfuric acid + carbon 沒有 chemical equation.

但 conc. nitric acid 本身會 decompose, 所以有 equation, 但 carbon 只是 spectator, 不在 equation 之內,equation for decompsition of nitric acid:

4 HNO3 → 4 NO2 + 2 H2O + O2
參考: 自己

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