
2011-05-19 12:44 am
What they have done runs counter to the core values Hong Kong people have long adhered to. 中文系咩?這是倒裝句?如何運用?

Chan has done such things and has such an idea of the rule of law that people should lower their expectations that legislators would safeguard the rule of law. 如何拆句?點先可以使用兩個that? 點樣分析意思?

thank you !

1樓的用google翻譯以為很好? 沒心答的就不要答!

回答 (3)

2011-05-20 7:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Hong Kong people have long adhered to runs counter to the core values What they have done ? Chan has done such things and has such an idea of the rule of law that people should lower their expectations and legislators would safeguard the rule of law.

2011-05-20 11:42:51 補充:

動詞一般放在名詞後面。動詞放在名詞前面的,叫倒裝句。(A verb normally follows a subject. Inversion occurs when a verb is put before a subject.)
2011-05-20 4:58 am
1) 他們所做的一切與香港市民歷來遵從的核心價值背道而馳。

A Relative Pronoun, preferably' which' to ' that', related to its antecedent
'core values' after the word ' values' is omitted, as commonly adapted in spoken language. That is all.

2011-05-19 21:36:15 補充:
2) 陳某作出這般(such)事情及對法治具這般(such)理念, 如此(that)人們理應降
低立法議員將會捍衛法治的期望了。The analysis of the sentence is as follows:
The 1st. ' that' refers/relates to its antecedents ' such things' &' such idea',
whereas the 2nd.'that' relates to its antecedent ' expectations'.

2011-05-21 19:04:52 補充:
忘了說第一句 並非倒裝句。' What they have done' 本身是個 Noun Clause, 名詞短句。是句中的 Nominative Subject(主位詞), 有它本身的動詞 ' runs', 這應很清楚了。
2011-05-19 12:46 am
What they have done runs counter to the core values Hong Kong people have long adhered to.

Chan has done such things and has such an idea of the rule of law that people should lower their expectations that legislators would safeguard the rule of law.

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