
2011-05-17 8:57 pm

回答 (2)

2011-05-18 5:35 am
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Each and every

“Each” is used as an adjective or a pronoun whereas “every” is only used as an adjective.

Each of us…. (not every of us)
We each got one piece. (not “We every got one piece.”)

It is often correct and common to use either each or every in some sentences, but they have slightly different meanings. When we are stressing the idea of the whole group, each is not used. We use each when we are talking about two or more people or things separately. It refers to the complete contents of a set, considered one by one. We use every when we are talking about three or more people or things together, with no exceptions:

You have to enter your password every time you log on.

We also use every (not each) to emphasize as many/much as possible, or when we talk about something happening at regular intervals and after "nearly" or "almost."

Almost every window was broken.
Take two tablets every four hours.

You cannot use every in referring the two:

She was wearing a fine gold chain on each ankle. (She has two ankles.)
She was wearing a ring on every finger.

We want every child to succeed. [It implies all the children.]
Each child will find his own personal talent to success. [perhaps children in a gifted class. Each child has his or her own talent.]
2011-05-17 11:51 pm
Each and every are both determiners (限定詞) to indicate quantity.Each for 2 or more objects and every for 3 or more ( but there are exceptions, see * below ). 以下不能使用every因為只有兩個 : 1. She fell down the stairs and had bruises on each leg and cuts on each arm.2. He was holding a gun in each hand. 以下不能使用each 因為多過兩個: 1. This year I have seen nearly every movie made in HK. 2. Nearly every boy in the playground was running. Each can be used as a Pronoun 代名詞 , every 不能用為代名詞: They each cost $30. (OR: They cost $30 each.) The money was shared out equally among the 5 children. Each received $10,000. *Exceptions: There are 8 flats in our block. Each flat has a balcony. (For emphasis, emphasizing the individual flats)
Each and everyone of you must report to the headmaster now! (For emphasis) “May each day of the week be a good day” (Lyrics to song : ‘May each day’ - poetic license詩意許可 ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsJ_bzYyrHw

2011-05-17 16:08:59 補充:
typo error:
Each and every one of you must report ........

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