comparative and superlative

2011-05-16 8:42 am
comparative and superlative adverbs // comparative and superlative adjectives
E.G: adjective: Sue is very quiet.
adverbs : Sue speaks vary quietly.
adverbs : Dogs bark more loudly than puppies.

回答 (2)

2011-05-16 4:57 pm
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comparative即比較級,用於不同主語在同一項目下之比較情況。例如:他比我強壯 / He is stronger then me.(不同主語:He / me;同一項目:strong)

而superlative是指比較級中的最高級,以strong為例,superlative就是strongest(最強壯)。使用superlative時,不同主語的總數必須等於或多於三項。亦即以上句為例,由於不同主語只有兩項(He / me),所以不能使用superlative。而superlative的另一使用規則是帶定冠詞。同以strong為例,例句是:He is the strongest one within our class. / 他是我們班中最強壯的。

而使用adjective抑或adverb,則視乎修飾的是名詞還是動詞,修飾名詞時使用adjective,修飾動詞時使用adverb。以你所列例句為例,第一句(此句並非比較級,可能是你打漏或打錯了字。):Sue is very quiet. / Sue 很安靜。 由於安靜是用於修飾名詞Sue,所以使用adjective字形:quiet。而第二句(同樣並不是比較級句式):Sue speaks vary(應是very) quietly. / Sue 說話很安靜。由於安靜是用於修飾動詞speak,所以使用adverb字形:quietly。至於第三句(這句是比較級句式了):Dogs bark more loudly than puppies. / 大狗比小犬吠得更吵。由於比較級loud是用於修飾動詞bark,故取adverb字形。而loud的比較級adjective字形與比較級adverb字形相同,一樣為louder,故於此例中並無寫法上的分別。而所列例句文法有錯,正確寫法應是:Dogs bark louder than puppies. 而若比較的是名詞(Dogs / puppies),則可改為adjective字形:Dogs louder than puppies. 但此句的缺陷是loud的正確解釋是「响亮」,按理不能直接用於形容狗隻,故應採倒轉句式:Puppies (usually) quieter then dogs. 小犬(通常)比大狗安靜。(加上usually因為這並非必然性的情況。)
2011-05-16 11:01 pm
comparative= when there are two in comparison ... + er = than or more .... than

superlative = when there are more than two in comparison
...+ the est or + the most .....

Sue is very quiet.
Tom is quieter than Sue.
Mary is the quietest among them.

This apple is delicious.
Mary's applie is more delicious than this.
My applye is the most delcious .

Tom is tall and thin.
Peter is taller and thinner than Tom.
Jack is the tallest and thinnest in the class.

I trust that you will understand the difference with the said examples

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