10 transportation (in English)

2011-05-16 12:37 am
Can you give 10 transportation to me? Please give brief discripion (in English)

回答 (1)

2011-05-18 6:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
Bicycle - 2 wheeled human powered road transportMotorbike – 2 wheeled motorized road transportCar – 4 wheeled motor vehicle for several passengersBus – large motor vehicle for up to 50 – 80 passengers Minibus – small motor vehicle for about 12 – 16 passengersLorry – large motor vehicle for transporting goods and materialsTrain - large multi-carriage pulled by a locomotive run on railway tracksHot- air balloon – a large balloon which floats on air and with a basket for a few passengers Sail boat – a vessel with large sails propelled by wind Submarine – a motorized vessel that can travel under water

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