
2011-05-15 12:03 pm

回答 (2)

2011-05-17 8:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
First, you have to understand the court does not work for you. In other word, it does not mean the court has to accommodate your schedule at all.

However, if it is your first time to ask for a continuance, you can certainly try. Please understand that your personal appearance may be required for continuance (you have to make the request in person, but call first to confirm the procedures).

If the case is not a serious issue, the clerk should be able to go for a continuance for you (fee may apply).

2011-05-19 11:01 pm
除非嗰個係你直系親屬, 如父母, 不然法庭多數唔會接受囉.
仲有係唔係你話延期一日就一日, 法庭日日都有案要審, 都要睇吓之後有咩期可以開審架...

不過你即管可以去試吓申請延期, 睇吓得唔得囉... 唔得咪缺席親戚既喪禮, 之前一晚去靈堂鞠個躬囉.

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