Form 5 Physics Mechanics

2011-05-14 7:28 pm
1) An aeroplane is flying in a horizontal circle at a constant speed of 500km/h with its wings titled at an angle of 30° to the horizontal. What is the radius of the circle in which the plane is flying?

2) A small object is tied to the end of an elastic cord of unstretched length 1m and then whirled around in a horizontal circle of radius 1.1m with angular velocity 3 rad/s.

a) The angular velocity is now increased. Calculate its value when the radius of the circle is 1.2m, assuming that the cord obeys Hooke's Law at all times.

b) if the centripetal force is 1N when the radius is 1.1m, calculate the total energy transferred to the rotating system during the increase in radius to 1.2m.

Please help me! t t

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2011-05-14 8:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Let R be the normal reaction (which is the same as the lifting force acting on the wings).
Resolve R vertically and horizontally, we have
Rcos(30) = mg ---------------------------- (1)where m is the mass of the plane and g is the acceleration due to gravity (= 10 m/s2)and, R.sin(30) = mv^2/r --------------------- (2)where v is the speed of the plane and r is the radius of the circle

(2)/(1): tan(30) = v^2/rg
i.e. r = v^2/gtan(30) = (500/3.6)^2/(10.tan(30)) m = 3341 m

2. (a) When the object is whirled at angulat velocity of 3 rad/s,cnetripetal force = m(1.1).(3^2), where m is the mass of the object
But force on the cord = k(1.1-1) = 0.1k
hence, 0.1k = m(1.1)(3^2)
k = 99m

When the radius of the circle is 1.2m, let the angular velocity be w.hence, k(1.2 - 1) = m(1.2)w^2
w^2 = (k/m)(0.2/1.2) = (99).(0.2/1.2) (rad/s)^2
hence, w = 4.06 rad/s

(b) By Hooke's Law, 1 = k(0.1)i.e. k = 1/0.1 N/m = 10 N/mHence, m = k/99 = 10/99 kg = 0.101 kgIncrease in elastic potential energy in the cord
= (1/2).(10)[0.2^2 - 0.1^2] J = 0.15 J

Velocity of mass when the cord is 1.1m long = 1.1 x 3 m/s = 3.3 m/s
Velocity of mass when the cord is 1.2 m long = 1.2 x 4.06 m/s 4.872 m/s
Increase in kinetic energy of mass = (1/2).(0.101).(4.872^2 - 3.3^2) J
= 0.649 J
Total energy transferred = (0.15 + 0.649) J = 0.8 J

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