How did the model (pride) in the movie Se7en die?

2011-05-13 8:10 pm
I know her face was mutilated but how did she die?

回答 (2)

2011-05-13 8:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
She had her nose cut off, she had a phone glued to one hand and a tub of painkillers in the other. Insted of using the phone to call for help, she took all of the painkillers. She couldn't live being disfigured so took her own life.
2011-05-14 3:15 am
oh god i loveeeeeeeeee .. LOVE that moviee =D
but well , honestly i cant remember .. ugh this is bad =[
but hey , here 's a youtube link to watch the full movie :
enjoy .. .

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