adj noun

2011-05-14 6:15 am

e.g.-ble---->bility甘, -rious--->riosity

回答 (2)

2011-05-14 11:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
There is no rules to change from adjective to noun. Learn some suffixes. Just memorize it.

happy – happiness, useful – usefulness, stubborn – stubbornness
dry – dryness, dark – darkness, great – greatness, gentle-gentleness
rude – rudeness, weak – weakness, cool – coolness, sad - sadness

able – ability, sensible – sensibility, reliable, reliability, severe – severity
mobile – mobility, possible – possibility, popular – popularity, pure - purity
capable – capability, liable – liability, toxic – toxicity, vital – vitality
probable – probability, productive – productivity, noble – nobility,valid – validity

safe – safety, sane – sanity, certain – certainty

-ce, -cy
prudent – prudence, brilliant – brilliance, just – justice, patient - patience
violent – violence, prominent - prominence
literate- literacy, fallacious – fallacy, accurate – accuracy, vibrant – vibrancy
competent – competency, democratic – democracy, private – privacy

-tion, -sion
attractive – attraction, protective – protection, perfect – perfection, moderate – moderation
precise - precision, passionate - passion

wide – width, long –length, true – truth, filthy – filth, deep – depth, warm - warmth

professional – professionalism, optimistic – optimism, pacific – pacifism
pessimistic – pessimism, plural – pluralism

2011-05-14 03:50:14 補充:
Typo error:
There are no rules .... (not "There is no rules...")
2011-05-14 7:00 am

stable, stability

generous, generosity
curious, curiosity

happy, happiness
kind, kindness
playful, playfulness
good, goodness

sorry, sorrow

genetic, genetics

但有些字,可同時作adjective 和 noun,例如:evil、sore。

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 23:41:26
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