
2011-05-14 2:26 am


回答 (4)

2011-05-14 2:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
What transport do you take on?

take on:乘搭

Hope it can help you!

2011-05-13 18:38:30 補充:
I have one more suggestion to you!

What transport do you ride on/in?

You can use ride on or ride in.It is

2011-05-14 22:09:44 補充:
Which vehicles do you take?


Future Tense

Which transport will you take?
參考: my knowledge, mine, my knowledge
2011-05-14 11:59 pm

What kind of transport will you take?
Which kind of public transport will you take?


What kind of transport are you going to take?
Which kinc of public tranport are you going to take?

public transport = 公共交通工具

2011-05-14 4:44 am
Question: 你會乘坐什麼交通工具? Informal English ( 隨便 D 嘅 英文 ) What transport will you take?What type of transport are you going to take?What kind of transport are you going to take? More formal English (正式 D 嘅 英文 ) 1 What type of transportation will you be taking ?2 What means of transportation will you be taking?3 What would be the means of transportation you will be taking?
參考: me
2011-05-14 3:28 am
Q:你會乘坐什麼交通工具?Ans:Which vehicles do you take?
參考: myself

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