Reset Sim Cheat/Sims 3/PS3?

2011-05-12 9:05 pm
I got Spoot the Llama, now I am trying to do the reset sim cheat. I hit L2, over the mailbox, went to "reset sim", and then chose the sim I wanted. Nothing that all I am supposed to do or am I doing something wrong. Is it instant change or I have to wait a little while? Thanks for your help!

回答 (5)

2011-05-12 9:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
All the reset a sim is supposed to is change the needs on your sim. For example, if i had low sleep and high hygiene and low eat, it will randomly choose needs and raise and low them. So lets say my sleep went up but my hygiene went low.
2016-12-13 2:27 am
Reset Sim Sims 3
2016-10-02 9:54 pm
Sims 3 Reset Sim
2011-05-12 9:44 pm
press L2 and X.

(1) make all happy - fills household motives (includes NPCs IRC)
(2) make friends for me - randomly generates 5 friends for active sim
(3) force NPC - generates a "service" NPC (includes Grim Reaper)
(4) set career - allows you select any position in any career ladder (includes the fringe level 10 positions)
(5) make needs static/dynamic - either freeze or continue your motive meters
(6) reset sim - reverts any active or inactive sim back to their original state
(7) force visitor - forces a random NPC to visit the household

The other mod occurs when you hold L2 and press X over a Sim in your household. You gain the options to (a) trigger age transition or (b) modify sim traits.
2011-05-12 9:14 pm
i havent played sims in a while but what i do remember is that all cheats are instant
im not sure about reset sim but it sounds like to reset their stats like bathroom hunger etc
check everything with your sim when you do it maybe its not a physical action.

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