Problem of should

2011-05-12 7:18 am
I _______ enough money for our wedding by the end of this year.

A. saved
B. should saved
C. should be saved
D. should have saved

which one is the answer ?
Explain why and why not is the other 3 answer .


回答 (2)

2011-05-13 4:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
by this end of this year這句話即表示時間在未來

故不會用A. saved
而should之後要用bare infinitive,故也不能說B. should saved

而這句話,從其意看,也不會用被動語氣,故又不是:C. should be saved

因此,答案應是D.should have saved

但 I should have saved enough money for our wedding by the end of this year.

should+have+past participle的用法


I should have done it earlier.我該早就完成它才對

所以, I should have saved enough money for our wedding by the end of this year.


2011-05-12 9:46 am
I should have saved enough money for our wedding by the end of this year.

A. saved
B. should saved
C. should be saved
D. should have saved

D is the correct answer.

“Should” is a modal auxiliary verb. In this sentence, should means應該.

Choice A, B and C are wrong for the reasons shown below.
A – past tense for the future.
B – You don’t use the past tense of the verb right after modal auxiliary verb.
C. – passive voice. You save money. You don’t save yourself.

You are left with D. you pick D.
Should has no past form. To express past time, you normally use should have + past participle to criticize a past action.
You should not have driven through that red light.
He should have come home long ago. Where is he?

If I have a choice, I would rather use “should have” for future.
I should save enough money for our wedding by the end of this year.

I'll have saved enough money for our wedding by the end of this year.
(By using "'ll have saved" , 失去 meaning of 應該)

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