
2011-05-12 6:54 am

2.d 男仔會唔會因為一句說話 例如: 你一定唔夠膽做 咁既說話 驚比第二個女仔話唔夠膽做 而做d唔想做既野 , 會唔會因為咁就背住自己女朋友同第二個女仔上床

定係其實本身個男仔都想做愛唔會因為一句''你一定唔夠膽做 '' 而委屈自己同第二個女仔上床


回答 (4)

2011-05-12 8:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案

2,有無女仔咁傻咁迫男仔上床呀? 咁就要睇呢個女仔有無吸引力,同時亦要睇個男仔是否花心啦!

3,傻女,咁即係搵自己笨咋! 迫男仔同自己上床只有吃虧,任何男仔都會覺得呢個女仔咁隨便可以同人上床,一d都唔矜貴,玩下就無所謂,點可以同佢做人世呀?
2011-05-12 11:24 pm
1. 如果個男仔好愛佢女朋友肯定唔會背住佢同第二個女仔上床

2. 睇本身個男人啦, 有D男人會諗住食得唔好sai , 咁有女人送上門, 唔通唔上咩, 咁有d男人唔理你講什麼都唔會攪你

3. 迫?????????? 諗你都唔好諗啦, 如果咁樣都迫到, 呢個男人你都唔好要攞..........................
2011-05-12 9:55 pm
2011-05-12 8:46 am
1) normally, a guy/ girl shouldn't hv sex w/ other people besides their girlfriend or boyfriend. if that is happened, that is called cheating and unfaithful. if my boyfriend did something like that, I will have to see how much I can handle about it. Listen to him, like why he would do that (drunk? or wht). If he had a clear mind and have sex w/ girl, then I will consider to separate.
2) for the word like "你一定唔夠膽做", that usually work for teenager, because they like to show off or show people that they hv gutz to do sth bad. but i don't think they will feel 委屈 for having sex with a girl, unless she is ugly.

3) again, it really depends on how well you can handle. Can you accept this? think about it...it happens once, it can happens twice. or more.
using Sex to make a guy to be with you, there is no meaning for that. no love in this relationship beside sex. one day, if he get bored with your body, or your sex skill, he will go to others. or he can still hv sex with other people while having the relationship with you. at that time, you might get more hurts. and worst...he might tell friends that how you two "keep" this relationship.

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