老師話我作文冇左D VERB.可吾可以話我聽錯乜

2011-05-11 3:58 am
One of the most favourable sports event, Olympic which is popular among both athletes and people all around the world ,is going to be held next year.

回答 (4)

2011-05-13 2:58 pm
I think the sentence carries adeguate clarity, assuming the audiance is somewhat familiar with sports. When it is not mentioned, the fastest man / woman in the world does imply the record for 100 metres. Also, Ben Johnsen was well known for losing his world title for repeatedly using drugs.

2011-05-15 01:05:03 補充:
What can I say to someone who critisizes my English, using poor English such as "clarity can't be carries", and "I'm tired at your works"? I would say nothing because we are obviously not in the same league.
2011-05-12 8:33 am
The Olympic Games, one of the most favourable and popular sports event among both athletes and people all around the world, will be held next year.

Ben Johnson, the fastest runner in the world, cheated once again after a short ban.
2011-05-12 12:23 am

One of the most favourable sports event is going to be held next year.

The Olympic Games are going to be held next year.
才附加註明解釋一些有關這Olympic Games的資料。

The Olympic Games, the most favourable sports event popular among althetes and people around the world, are going to be held next year.

Ben Johnson, who was the fastest runner in the world, cheated once again after a short ban.
文法上冇錯。唯一可以挑剔的是cheated甚麼,他是騙人金錢還是騙他老婆(有外遇)亦是用cheat這個動詞的。另外最尾a short ban需要加上ban from乜嘢來更清楚表達ban跟cheat所講的兩樣東西的關係。例如a short ban from competition.現在你句子中這兩樣東西都不交代,你是不可以假設人人都知你心裏是想講賽跑的。
2011-05-11 5:21 am
你句: One of the most favourable sports event, Olympic which is popular among both athletes and people all around the world ,is going to be held next year.1. ‘the’ Olympics , definite article ‘the’ missing 2. ‘Event’ must be plural , ‘events’ because of ‘one of the ….. events’ 3. use either ‘the Olympics’ or ‘the Olympic Games’ , NOT ‘Olympic’ 下面3句 都得 (C 係長氣啲 ) A. One of the most popular sports events, the Olympics, popular among both athletes and people all around the world, is going to be held next year. Or B. One of the most popular sporting events, the Olympic Games, popular among both athletes and people all over the world, is going to be held next year. Or C. One of the most popular sporting events, the Olympic Games, which is popular among both athletes and people all around the world, is going to be held next year.

2011-05-10 22:38:52 補充:
Ben Johnson, who had held the world record for 100 metres, cheated once again after a short ban.
Fastest runner over what distance ? He was not the fastest over 400 m. !!
參考: me

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