Get the best of both world英文解釋

2011-05-10 7:45 pm
請問一下 ''Get the best of both world'' 的英文解釋 是什麼?這是一句idiom ,希望可以連造句 也一起給我,要快,蠻急的!謝謝!
Can someone tell me that what's the meaning of''Get the best of both world'' ?I need the whole meaning of it ,it's a idiom , hope can have a sentence too,thank you very much!!!><

回答 (4)

2011-05-11 10:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
The best of both worlds :

a situation in which you can enjoy the advantages of two very different things at the same time - Quoted from Cambridge Advanced Learners’ Dictionary.

If you say that you have the best of both worlds, you mean that you have only the benefits of two things at the same time without any of the disadvantages.

中文意思是 “兩全其美”,從兩件截然不同的活動或事件,同時獲益.舉例兩個:

Your sitting room provides the best of both worlds, with an office at day time and a comfortable bed at night. (你有沙發床 sofa bed.)

She lives in a small village but it is only an hour from the big city so she has the best of both worlds.
參考: Oxford English Dictionary
2011-05-19 11:02 pm
I concur with Godfrey's answer.
2011-05-11 4:14 am
"The best of both worlds" is to have the best aspects of one choice and the best aspects of another choice when you have been asked to select between two choices.

- Example:
"You can either get up early tomorrow and get a lot of work done, or you can stay out late tonight and have fun with your friends, but you can't have the best of both worlds."

Often we cannot, but sometimes we find a way to have "the best of both worlds,".

- Example:
"My wife and I bought one house in Paris and one in New York; it gives us the best of both worlds."

hope can help you:)
2011-05-10 8:31 pm
Get the best of both worlds的world應是眾數有s的。因為意思是:兩個世界的好處你都想得到。中文都有一句諺語:魚與熊掌,兩者兼得。表示你野心很大或是貪心。所以通常會見到人以這諺語的反面對人說「魚與熊掌,不能兼得」以作勸誡。



If you can be successful in business earning your wealth and have the moral sense to show your charity by giving your money to the poor. You will get the best of both worlds.

You want to get good pay from a job but you are not willing to work hard for it. You cannot expect to get the best of both worlds like this.


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