
2011-05-10 10:09 pm
V W are finite dimensional vector spaces over F
T is a function from V to W.

T is one-to-one if and only if the only vector x such that T(x)=0
is x=0

Given x1,x2屬於V, y1,y2屬於W,there exits a linear transformation T:V>W
such that T(x1)=y1,T(x2)=y2



one to one 是不是f(x)=f(y) 則x=y?

回答 (2)

2011-05-11 8:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
T is a function from V to W.

T is one-to-one if and only if the only vector x such that T(x)=0
is x=0

one-to-one 是 "f(x)=f(y) ==> x=y" 沒錯.
如果 T 是 linear function (mapping) from V to W,
那麼 "T is one-to-one iff the only vector x such that T(x)=0" 是對的,
但此處 T 並未限定是 linear function, 因此不對.
例如: 設 V=W, v0 是 V 中一非0向量, 而 T(v) = v+v0.
則 T 是 one-to-one, 但 T(0)=v0 不為 0, T(x)=0 則 x=-v0 不為 0.
又如 T(0)=0 且 T(v)=w0 for all v in V, 而 w0 是 W 中一非0向量,
則 T(x)=0 ==> x=0, 但 T 不是 one-to-one.

Given x1,x2屬於V, y1,y2屬於W,there exits a linear transformation T:V>W
such that T(x1)=y1,T(x2)=y2


舉個 trivial 的例子, x1=x2 但 y1≠y2, 則不存在任何 function 滿足條件.
舉較不 trivial 的例子: 設 x2=k x1, k in F, 但 y2≠k y1,
則不存在 linear mapping T 使 T(x1)=y1 且 T(x2)=y2, 因為
T 是 linear 則 T(k x1) = k T(x1).
2011-05-11 4:01 am
T is one-to-one if and only if the only vector x such that T(x)=0
is x=0不一定正確,含數有可能長這樣: T(x) = 0 for all x
這也是一對一函數,因為每一個x都有對到 W 裡的元素。
你搞不清楚的地方可能是one-to-one 和onto ,在重新看一下課本吧。


我的意思是: there must exist a linear transformation T:V>W
such that T(x1)=y1, but does the transformation T(x2) = y2 still hold ?


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