F.5 M2 integration-0-0-0-

2011-05-10 7:51 am
A curve is such that dy/dx = 6 / √(4x+3) and P(3,3) is a point on the curve.

(1) Find the equation of the normal to the curve at P, giving your answer in the form ax + by = c.

(2) Find the equation of the curve.

回答 (3)

2011-05-10 8:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1) dy/dx at P = 6/√15, the slope of normal

= -√15/6

Equation of normal at P:

y - 3 = (-√15/6)(x - 3)

√15x + 6y = 18 + 3√15

(2) dy/dx = 6 / √(4x+3)

y = 3√(4x+3) + C

Sub. P(3,3) => C = 3 - 3√15

So, the equation of the curve is:

y = 3[√(4x+3) + 1 - √15]

2011-05-13 2:07 am
The question provided by myisland8132 is correct.

However, based on your answer, I think the question should be dy/dx = 6 / √(4x-3) instead of dy/dx = 6 / √(4x+3).
2011-05-10 10:25 am

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