
2011-05-10 5:39 am
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1. 學生A於禮物心意咭設計的討論活動中,能夠清晰流利地表達自己所繪畫的心意咭及內容,亦能懂得表達這張心意咭的送贈對象,可見學生A的表達能力不錯。


3. 學生C於火鍋活動中,他嘗試學習利用公用夾子夾自己喜愛的食物,並將生的食物放入鍋子裡等待熟透才進食,而且學生C懂得進食時應有的禮儀,亦享受食火鍋的活動。

4. 學生D於小組活動進行中國傳統節日「新年」的揮春製作活動。他明白毎個家庭都會利用不同的賀年裝飾品佈置家居,貼上揮春便是其中一種。他透過揮春製作活動,為課室進行佈置,可見學生D積極投入參與活動並欣賞中國民俗的文化風俗。

回答 (4)

2011-05-11 4:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. When discussing how to design a gift of appreciation card, Student A could explain the content of her appreciation card clearly and fluently. She/He knew how to express who she/he was sending the card to. This showed that Student A's expressing is quite good.

2. During the gathering of eating Poon Choi, Student B tried to learn how to use chopsticks eat with other children. Also, he was still possible to eat with good manners. He enjoyed this function. This showed that Student B was actively involved in it and he appreciated the culture of China.

3. During the hotpot activity, Student C tried to learn how to use chopsticks and get the food he liked. Also, he put the raw food into the pot until cooked before eating. He knew how to eat with good manners and he enjoyed this activity.

4. Student D did some spring couplets activities. He understood that each family would use different Chinese New Year decorations to decorate their homes, and writing sprint couplets is one of the decorations. Through making spring couplets to decorate the classroom, it showed that he was actively involved in this activity. He also appreciate Chinese culture.

參考: 自己
2011-05-11 3:25 am
1. Student Card Design A discussion on the present activities, able to clearly express themselves fluently and content of the painting, greeting card, also know how to express to send this greeting card in the gift object, students can see the expression of A is very good.2. Student B activity in the fresh poon choi, he tried to learn to use chopsticks with the other children eating poon choi, and he can still know some etiquette when eating, eating poon choi also enjoy the activities, showing that students actively involved in B activities and enjoy the Chinese folk culture and customs.
3. Student C activities in the pot, he tried to learn to use public clamps were attached to their favorite food, and raw food into the pot, waiting for cooked before consumption, and the students know how food should be some etiquette C, but also to enjoy the food hot pot activities.
4. D on group activities for students of traditional Chinese festival "New Year" in play spring production activities. He understands Each will use different families of Chinese New Year decorations decorating, spring is one of the paste command. He scrolls through the production activities, arranged for the classrooms, showing students participate actively in activities of D and appreciation of Chinese folk culture and customs.
2011-05-10 9:05 pm
1. In the gift/greeting card design discussion event, Stutent A wa able to express his/her card layout and content, he/she also tell whom the card was intended fro. From these it was clear that his/her communications skills are quite well.

2. In the 盆菜(未識譯-Assorted Pot?)event, Student B learnt to use "shared-chopsticks" and eat with other todlets, he was able to conduct appropriate eating manner, and enjoy the meal. This showed he enjoyed to participate in the event and appreciate the Chinese cultural activity.

3. In the hot pot meal event,Studnet C tried to tongs to pick his preferred food items and put them in the hot pot to be boiled. He was able to conduct appropriate table manner and enjoy the event.

4. In the 揮春(未識譯-Blessing Writings?)making activity during the Chinese New Year, he learnt every family used different decoration for the home during this time of the year where posting of Blessing Writings were one of the decoration. Through his participation in making and hanging thses Writings, he was able to enjoy and appreciate the Chinese cultural tradition.

2011-05-10 6:58 am
1. Student Card Design A discussion on the present activities, able to clearly express themselves fluently and content of the painting, greeting card, also know how to express to send this greeting card in the gift object, students can see the expression of A is very good.2. Student B activity in the fresh poon choi, he tried to learn to use chopsticks with the other children eating poon choi, and he can still know some etiquette when eating, eating poon choi also enjoy the activities, showing that students actively involved in B activities and enjoy the Chinese folk culture and customs.
3. Student C activities in the pot, he tried to learn to use public clamps were attached to their favorite food, and raw food into the pot, waiting for cooked before consumption, and the students know how food should be some etiquette C, but also to enjoy the food hot pot activities.
4. D on group activities for students of traditional Chinese festival "New Year" in play spring production activities. He understands Each will use different families of Chinese New Year decorations decorating, spring is one of the paste command. He scrolls through the production activities, arranged for the classrooms, showing students participate actively in activities of D and appreciation of Chinese folk culture and customs.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 18:37:11
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