What is the use of papyrus?

2011-05-10 12:39 am
just a reminder, I want to know how the egyptians use the papyrus, did they uuse it to write letter, or something else. I want to know how the normal citizens use it.

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2011-05-10 6:21 am
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Ancient Egyptians not only used papyrus as a writing material, but also as a material for making mattresses on beds, for building chairs, tables, and other furniture as well as for mats, baskets, boxes, sandals, utensils, rope and boats. Furthermore, the papyrus root was a source of food, medicine and perfume.Papyrus is still being used by communities living in parts of East Africa today. It is used to make items such as baskets, hats, fish traps, trays, and floor mats. In other areas it is also used to make roofs, ceilings, rope and fences.

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