iupac naming priority

2011-05-09 3:32 am
OH-, COOH-, C=C, halogens


RE miraco : 係啊, in numbering

回答 (1)

2011-05-09 6:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
In IUPAC naming of organic compounds, the name of an organic compound is divided into three parts:
name = Prefix(es) + (main chain) + suffix

-OH: named as suffix "-ol", but as prefix "hydroxyl-" in the presence of -COOH group.
-COOH: named as a suffix "-oic acid"
C=C: named as "-en(e)-" at the end of the part of main chain.
halogens: named as prefix "halo-" (i.e., fluoro-, chloro-, bromo- and iodo-)
Name the prefixes in alphabetical order, i.e.
bromo-, chloro-, fluoro-, hydroxyl-, then iodo-

Priority In numbering:
(1) Make the smallest set of numbers in the suffix.
(2) If decision cannot be made in (1), make the smallest set of numbers in the main chain.
(3) If decision cannot be made in (1) and (2), make the smallest set of numbers in the prefixes.
參考: miraco

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