File PRD

2011-05-09 1:55 am
我轉words / excel/ pdf 都開唔倒
有無人知點樣開prd 檔


回答 (1)

2011-05-09 5:38 am
✔ 最佳答案

File extension PRD description:The PRD file extension is associated with Microsoft Word, worldwide most popular and powerful tool for writing documents.

The .prd files were used in some earlier version of Microsoft Word for DOS for printer driver files.
Help how to open PRD files:Unless there are suggested applications listed below the extension description, that are able to open the system files, there is usually no way to directly open or access system files as their functionality is only as part of the operating system.

Any attempts to edit system files is strongly discouraged, as it can cause the system to be corrupted and not work properly.

This is a general information about how to open the most common system file formats.How to convert file with extension PRD: Unless there are suggested applications listed below the extension description, that are able to convert the system files, there is usually no way to convert system files into any other file format.

Any attempts to rename system files is strongly discouraged, as it can cause the system to be corrupted and not work properly.

This is a general information about how to convert the most common system file formats.
個人見解: 除非你公司玩野啦,一係佢唔識電腦既++ 因為正常只會比個doc 檔你既,如果佢要防止你修改大可比個pdf檔案你。而呢個prd檔看似是print完之後遺留在電腦裡面的檔,根本普通人正常開唔到@@P.S.原因係printer driver files理論上每部printer型號也不同,機器碼也不同,看似用hacker方法也未能解開內文,只可以解開二進制機器碼。看似只是你公司部printer先翻譯到佢自己獨特既機器碼 <=不過當然呢段我都係吹出離的,因為我真係唔識 ^.^
你可以叫公司寄pdf或doc版本或是你試下將副檔名 prd轉為pdf ,因為可能係電腦部門大頭蝦 pdf打錯字為prd =.='

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