Did the Father , Jesus and Holy Ghost or all three born through Mary?

2011-05-07 6:16 pm
No right.. they are all non equal.

I take it as a NO. Only Jesus who was born through Mary. Thank you.

回答 (8)

2011-05-07 6:18 pm
They are three separate and distinct Persons. God the Son alone was born of the virgin Mary, who named Him "Jesus", and who thereby became the mother of God.


2011-05-07 6:18 pm
NO! Please, study the trinity some more!
2011-05-15 5:59 pm
No....Mary only gave birth to Jesus through Holy Spirit (God's active force)

God is the father, Jesus is the son, Holy Spirit is God's active force -

Acts 2: 32 This Jesus, God resurrected, of which fact we are all witnesses. 33 Therefore because he was exalted to the right hand of God and received the promised holy spirit from the Father, he has poured out this which YOU see and hear.
參考: Bible
2011-05-15 7:10 am
The trinity, is a false god, a god of the pagans. The man Jesus was born from Mary, and not Yahweh God Almighty. Yes, Mary was fertilized by Yahweh God, and so is the man Jesus His only begotten Son, and that is why Paul calls Him the last (or second) Adam. In actual fact God's second own Son, but this Son, begotten, and not created, and that's why, His ONLY begotten. All other people was born of their biological parents, through sexual intercourse, and we all become His children through faith and rebirth (spiritual inner birth), but the first Adam not, and so also the last Adam also not.
2011-05-11 12:34 am
a stupid questioner does not deserve pie
2011-05-07 6:49 pm
Technically speaking, only the separate PERSON of God the Son assumed human flesh through Mary. The Person of God the Son is NOT the Person of God the Father nor of the separate Person of God the Holy Spirit. Part of the mystery of the Trinity is that THREE distinct Persons are in only ONE God (ONE Divine Nature). So despite the fact they are one in Being, they are still separate and distinct. ONE God IS Trinity, but there is ONLY ONE Trinity despite the fact that each Person is God (coequal in one uncreated Divine Nature). And God only comes and expresses Himself as Persons.
2011-05-07 6:21 pm
No, Jesus was born by Mary. You misunderstand the concept of the trinity.
2011-05-07 6:18 pm
Here's what happened. God saw that the world was in chaos, so he impregnated a virgin girl with himself so he could eventually "sacrifice" (If you want to call it that. I don't see how coming back to life could count as a sacrifice) himself to himself to so he could create a loophole in a plan that he created. I'm not really sure where the holy Ghost came from; God/Jesus must have created that sometime later.
I really don't see how Jesus could be God, though, since he prayed, said God was greater than he was, and was not omniscient.

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