Are smoked foods safe to eat?

2011-05-07 3:10 pm
I like the smoke flavor of smoked sausage. But I am concerned that the smoking process may produce carcinogens like nitrosamines.

回答 (3)

2011-05-15 2:51 pm
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Grilled smoked foods, the contact sent the incomplete combustion of fuel smoke, smoke contains large amounts of 3,4 - benzopyrene, which can be attached to the surface of the food, and dig into the food inside. In addition, the BBQ itself in the composition of raw materials may also be due to high temperature and chemical changes. Toxic 3,4 - benzopyrene. Such as smoked lamb skewers and so a certain amount of 3,4 - benzopyrene. In order to ensure good health, should be minimal to eat smoked products.
2011-05-07 10:27 pm
No, they wouldn't smoke foods if it is unsafe. Just make sure your sausages etc have a reasonable amount of meat in and are not mostly processed. Try not to eat too many red meats either, as this increases your chances of getting bowel cancer.
2011-05-07 10:33 pm
its sometimes safe and sometimes not that safe.

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